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Two Day program

The three year old class meets on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9:00 to 1:00. We work to maintain a child to teacher ratio of 5 to 1. Children must be 2.9 to attend the program. The focus in this class is on socialization, learning how to enjoy activities without familiar caregivers present and relating to teachers and peers. They enjoy an enriched and nurturing play - based environment with a balance of play and structure. They learn to share and cooperate with other children and to discover the world around them. We plan many opportunities for the children to learn self help skills, that allow them to take care of their own needs, gain self confidence, develop and practice listening and language skills. Some of the readiness skills we teach are colors, numbers and shapes as well as extending focus and memory retention with stories, games, songs and finger plays in circle time. Children will have opportunities to work in both large and small groups that are teacher directed as well as exploring the class- room independently making their own play choices.

In a typical day the children can choose from a variety of play activities including: block building, housekeeping, sand table, play dough, puppets, skill building manipulatives, dollhouse and an art project.

Along with the choice activities, the children will participate in large and small teacher directed groups for story time, games to develop gross motor skills, and learning games.

Three Day program

The three day program meets on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9:00 to 1:00. We work to maintain a child to teacher ratio of 7 to 1. This class is designed to meet the needs of the older 3’s year olds. In this class we add structure and developmental activities that prepare children for our preK program.children for Kindergarten. We offer a stimulating environment with a variety of play choices, structured activities and experiences. We introduce the children to the alphabet. Children learn to print their names. They make personal books about themselves and nature. In Circle Time we have stories, games, songs and chants that stimulate receptive memory.

The children have opportunities to work in a variety of settings, one on one with a teacher, in small groups and in whole class activities. A good portion of the morning is choice time, when children choose the area they want to play in, blocks, dramatic play, puppets, art, play dough, sand table to name a few choices.

Four Day program

The four day program meets on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 9:00 to 1:00. This class is designed for the Pre-Kindergarten child. We strive to maintain a child to teacher ratio of 8 to 1. This is our most structured class focusing on developmental activities that ready children for kindergarten. The children work in areas that help them to be successful in Kindergarten.

In this class the children start the day in a large group setting, where we do weather, calendar and introduce and review our Letter of the Week. The children complete a booklet on each letter that focuses on letter formation and identification. Number recognition, making sets and counting, listening and following directions, fine motor skills, making comparisons, patterns and graphing are all activities the children will practice.

Like our other programs the children have plenty of time each day to play. During play children develop many social skills necessary to be successful in school. The children will have a story time each day along with music, movement, art experiences and time on the playground. Through out the year the children will enjoy cooking and science activities.